Autumn 2023
AI assisted workflows
Benjamin Detrez shares his experience working with the Smilecloud platform for smile design and automated lab-friendly wax-up design. He demonstrates how to integrate this tool into a digital workflow and reproduce the results for the mock-up and definitive restoration.
Refractory build-up
In this step-by-step guide, Denis Rizzo shows you how to master this complex technique via two case-studies. You'll learn a whole range of tips for building-up veneers on refractory dies, for ultra-thin veneers and ultra-natural results.
Bimetallic reactions
Implant failure, allergic reactions and gingival tatoo effect can all be caused by corrosion of restorative alloys in the mouth. Sebastien Conflitti explains the chemistry, and outlines the best choices for a safe and durable implant restoration.