Designer aesthetics
Denis Rizzo shares his techniques via a study case, using several different substructures to experiment with colour projection from the core. And demonstrating how to blend a restoration perfectly in the aesthetic zone.
The lingualized occlusal concept for hybrid restorations
Henryk Jurzyka revisits prof. Gerber's lingualized occlusal concept, applying tooth-to-tooth occlusion principles to implant-supported hybrid restorations. In this interesting case, he demonstrates how horizontal stresses can be avoided by transferring chewing loads to the alveolar process.
Full digital workflow: part 2
Anthony Mak and Andrew Chio are back in this issue, for the second part of their Full digital workflow article. This article covers the secondary temporization. From a clever technique for capturing the intraoral situation and soft tissue areas accurately, to the printing of the provisional crowns and bridges, the keyword is CAD/CAM.