Innovative digital protocol for immediate loading
You don't need an impression of the implants in situ for this 100% digital technique. Using a pre-operative intra-oral scan, Benjamin Detrez and Dr Matthieu Declercq show us how to have the bridge ready before the implants are placed. The temporary restoration can be designed with care, so that it serves as a template for the definitive.
Hybrid restoration on implant bars: Part 2
Set-up, characterisation & finishing
In this second article about the case that won the Panthera Mastercup 2022, Sebastian Mioranza discusses facial and smile analysis, tooth set-up and characterisation.
Minimal invasive rehabilitation
Denis Rizzo shares his veneers technique for this minimal invasive restoration in the aesthetic zone. He also explains metamerism and shares a tip on how to minimise differences in shade under different light sources.